7 Ways Climate Change is Making Your Food Unsafe

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By Saurabh Shukla 

Pathogen Rise

Rising temperatures and changing precipitation patterns enhance the growth and spread of foodborne pathogens like Salmonella and E. coli, leading to higher infection rates.

Harmful Algal Blooms

Warmer waters and nutrient run-off foster the growth of toxic algae, contaminating seafood and causing illnesses such as ciguatera poisoning.

Mycotoxin Contamination

Climate change creates favorable conditions for fungi that produce mycotoxins, toxic substances that contaminate staple crops like maize and wheat, posing serious health risks.

Antimicrobial Resistance

Higher temperatures contribute to increased antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in foodborne and waterborne pathogens, complicating treatment of infections.

Flooding & Crop Contamination

Extreme weather events like hurricanes and floods can introduce pathogens and chemicals into croplands, contaminating crops and water sources.

Soil Degradation

Changes in climate affect soil quality, reducing its ability to support healthy crops and increasing the likelihood of contamination from soil-borne pathogens and chemicals.

Pest & Disease

Warmer climates expand the habitats of agricultural pests and diseases, leading to increased crop damage and higher use of pesticides, which can leave harmful residues in food.

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