Are You Aware of Post-Menopausal Heart Risks?

By - Shruti Sanwariya


Post-menopausal women face a higher risk of heart problems. These issues require immediate and effective management to prevent complications.

Risks of Low Estrogen

Low estrogen increases heart disease risk and mortality. It leads to high blood pressure and higher LDL cholesterol, contributing to heart problems.

Menopause and Weight Gain

Menopause often causes weight gain and fat accumulation, leading to cardiac issues. Reduced estrogen levels also increase inflammation and blood vessel damage.

Healthy Diet

Post-menopausal women should eat a nutritious diet with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and beans. Limit salt, junk, oily, canned, sugary, and processed foods.

Lifestyle Changes

Avoid smoking, alcohol, sweets, colas, and caffeine. Exercise daily with activities like walking, cycling, yoga, and swimming. Consult an expert before starting any fitness regimen.

Regular Check-Ups

Practice relaxation techniques like meditation. Get regular cardiac screenings yearly post-menopause. Monitoring heart health helps detect and address abnormalities early. Stay vigilant and proactive.

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