By Shruti Sanwariya

Beat the Heat with Tasty Summer Coolers

A refreshing drink made from raw mangoes, flavored with mint, cumin, and sugar, it offers a tangy and cooling respite from the scorching heat.
Picture Source: Maayeka

Aam Panna of Maharashtra

A classic summer cooler made from fresh lemon juice, water, sugar, and a pinch of salt, it provides instant hydration and a burst of citrusy freshness.
Picture Source: Flavors of Mumbai 

Nimbu Pani of Gujarat

A nutritious beverage made from roasted gram flour (sattu), mixed with water, lemon juice, and spices like black salt and roasted cumin, this is a cooling and energizing drink.
Picture Source:

Sattu Sherbet of Bihar

A spicy and tangy drink made from cumin, black salt, mint, tamarind, and water, it is known for its digestive properties and ability to cool the body.
Picture Source: Sailu's Food

Jaljeera of Rajasthan

A traditional South Indian drink made from jaggery, water, dried ginger, cardamom, and lemon juice, it has a sweet and refreshing taste to beat the heat.
Picture Source: Dassana's Veg Recipes

Panakam of Tamil Nadu

A cooling beverage made from kokum fruit extract, mixed with water, sugar, and a touch of roasted cumin, it has a refreshing and tangy flavor, perfect for combating the heat.
Picture Source: Times Food

Kokum Sherbet of Goa

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