Did You Know About This Rare Mushroom ?

By Shruti Sanwariya

Grown in Jharkhand

Jharkhand, with its fertile land, adequate water, and moderate climate, supports major crops like maize, rice, wheat, and chickpea. It also nurtures the rare rugra mushroom.

Rare and Unique

Rugra, an indigenous mushroom of Jharkhand, is a seasonal delicacy sold in Ranchi markets, known for its meat-like taste and nutritional value.

Suitable Climate

Rugra mushrooms grow underground under Sal trees in Jharkhand's dense forests. Ideal conditions include July's heavy rainfall, sunlight, and decaying leaves.

Cultural Significance

In Jharkhand, rugra holds significant cultural value. It is an integral part of traditional dishes and local cuisine, symbolizing the region's rich heritage.

Medicinal Properties

Rugra, a flavorful mushroom, boasts superior protein, vitamins, and minerals, making it ideal for heart and diabetic patients due to its low carbohydrate content.


Rugra mushrooms aren't cultivated commercially. Climate change, deforestation, and urbanization threaten their declining production in Jharkhand.

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