Discover India's Most Endangered Plants

By Saurabh Shukla

Corpse Flower 

Known for its enormous flower, Rafflesia arnoldii can reach up to 1 meter in diameter. It is found in the rainforests of the Western Ghats and is threatened by habitat destruction and deforestation.

Cycas beddomei

This rare species of cycad, characterized by its long, feathery leaves, is native to the Eastern Ghats. It faces threats from illegal collection, habitat loss, and over-exploitation.

Saussurea costus

A perennial herb known for its medicinal properties, Saussurea costus is found in the Himalayas, particularly in Jammu and Kashmir. Overharvesting for medicinal use and habitat destruction are major threats.

Red Sanders

Prized for its rich red wood, Red Sanders is a tree species found in the Southern Eastern Ghats, particularly in Andhra Pradesh. It is endangered due to illegal logging and habitat loss.

Swallow Root

Known for its aromatic roots, Decalepis hamiltonii is a climbing shrub found in the Deccan Peninsula. Overexploitation and habitat degradation are significant threats to its survival.

Nepenthes khasiana

This carnivorous plant traps insects in its pitcher-shaped leaves and is found in Meghalaya's Khasi Hills. It is endangered by habitat destruction and overcollection.

Ebony Tree

Known for its dense, dark wood used in high-quality furniture, the Ebony Tree is native to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. It faces threats from illegal logging and habitat loss.

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