Discover The Importance of Gond Katira in Summer Diets

By Shruti Sanwariya

Gond Katira, also known as Tragacanth gum, sourced from the sap of the Astragalus tree, is a traditional natural cooling agent in South Asia and the Middle East.

Gond Katira

Gond Katira supports digestion by acting as a laxative, preventing constipation, soothing acidity, and ulcers, ensuring smooth digestive function during summer.

Digestive Health

Gond Katira is rich in fiber, calcium, and magnesium, aiding digestion, promoting fullness, supporting bone health, and boosting overall well-being in summer.

Nutritional Benefits

When soaked, Gond Katira turns into a jelly-like texture that naturally cools the body, relieving heat and preventing heat strokes and excessive sweating in summer.

Cooling Properties

Gond Katira soothes sunburn and heat rashes, hydrates, reduces skin inflammation, and maintains moisture, promoting a soft, radiant complexion when used topically or consumed.

Skin Health

Gond Katira aids hydration with its mucilaginous texture, retaining water and balancing electrolytes to prevent dehydration and maintain energy levels in summer.

Hydration and Electrolyte Balance

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