Jowar Pops

Spiced Jowar Pops Recipe

By: Vaishnavi Barthwal 
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Washed Jowar

Wash jowar in water and drain them quickly

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Drain Water

Do not allow them to soak in water

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Wipe Water

Use a cloth to wipe off the water

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Take a pressure cooker and spread the jowar grains in a single layer

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Cover the lid and put the cooker on high flame

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You will be able to hear them popping. Turn off the heat once all of them have popped

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You will be able to hear them popping. Turn off the heat once all of them have popped

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Add salt, turmeric, and chilli powder to the heated oil

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Add the popped jowar grains and mix them well with the spiced oil mixture

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Store in an airtight container and enjoy as a healthy snack!

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