Try Out This Mouth-Watering Veggie Millet Burger recipe

By: Vaishnavi Barthwal 

Bring half a cup of water to boil and then add soaked & grained millet

Cover it for 20 minutes till they become tender

Chop up your veggies in the meantime

Sauté onion in coconut oil and add in your veggies once the onion turns translucent

Add freshly cooked millet and mix well

Transfer the mixture to a bowl and add the seasonings of your preference followed by millet flour

Knead the mixture and scoop the dough with ½ cup measuring cup

Make burger-shaped patties by pressing the dough with your fingers

Bake at 400F for 10 minutes then flip and bake for another 10 minutes

Serve while the patties are still hot

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