Popular Milk-Producing Cow Breeds in India

By: Vaishnavi Barthwal 


This cattle breed originates from Gir forests of South Kathiawar in Gujarat and its milk yield ranges from 1200 to 1800 Kg per lactation


It is the best indigenous dairy breed in the country. Their average milk yield is between 1400 & 2500 Kg per lactation

Red Sindhi

It is also called as Sindhi and Red Karachi. Its milk yield ranges from 1100 to 2600 kilograms


Rathi are efficient and good milkers. They produce 1560 kg of milk and the lactation milk yield ranges from 1062 to 2810 kg.


They are large muscular cattle breeds with a well-developed hump. Ongole is suitable for heavy draught work


The milk yield of Deoni ranges from 636 - 1230 kg per lactation and their caving interval average are 447 days


Kankrej is quite popular as it is fast, powerful and draught cattle. These cows are good milkers and yield about 1400 Kg per lactation.


The bullocks are suitable for ploughing. It yields 1800 to 2600 kilograms of milk per lactation


The bullocks are considered as powerful work animals. These yield 600 - 800 kilograms of milk per lactation

Krishna Valley

It originated in Karnataka and its average yield is 900 kilograms per lactation

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