Top 10 Homemade Organic Fertilizer Recipes

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By - Shivangi Rai

Banana Peel Fertilizer

Save banana peels, cut them up, and bury them near your plants

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Coffee Grounds Fertilizer

Used coffee grounds are good for your soil

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Epsom Salt Solution

Dissolve 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt in a gallon of water and use it to water your plants once a month

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Eggshell and Epsom Salt Blend

Crush dried eggshells and mix them with an equal amount of Epsom salt

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Fish Emulsion Fertilizer

Mix 1 part fish emulsion with 4 parts water and use it to water your plants every two weeks during the growing season

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Compost Tea

Create a nutrient-rich liquid and water your plants

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Seaweed Fertilizer

Soak seaweed in water for a few days to create a nutrient-rich solution

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Grass Clipping Fertilizer

Dry grass clippings in the sun and mix them into the soil or use them as mulch around your plants

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Molasses Fertilizer

Mix 1-2 tablespoons of unsulfured molasses with a gallon of water to promote soil health

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Worm Casting Tea

Dilute the resulting liquid by mixing 1 part with 4 parts of water and use it to water your plants

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