How to Prepare Your Soil for Plantation in Monsoon

By Shruti Sanwariya

Remove weeds, rocks, and debris to ensure a clean planting surface. This helps roots establish easily and prevents pest infestation.

Clear the Area

Conduct a soil test to determine pH and nutrient levels. This ensures the soil meets the needs of your plants and can support healthy growth.

Test the Soil

Incorporate organic matter like compost or mulch to improve soil drainage. Proper drainage prevents waterlogging and root rot during heavy monsoon rains.

Improve Drainage

Add compost, manure, or fertilizers to enrich the soil. This provides essential nutrients and promotes robust plant growth throughout the monsoon season.

Enrich the Soil

Ensure the planting area is levelled to prevent water pooling. Proper levelling allows even water distribution and reduces the risk of soil erosion.

Level the Ground

Consider creating raised beds to improve soil structure and drainage. Raised beds help in better root development and protect plants from excessive moisture.

Create Raised Beds

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