Mahindra Empowers: The Resilient Journey of Sangita Pingale


Sangita's life took a tragic turn when she lost her husband and father-in-law in an accident. Overnight, she found herself thrust into the role of managing her family's livelihood.

Facing Adversity

She bravely accepted the responsibility of managing her family's farm, despite doubts from others. With determination, she embraced the challenge, recognizing that resilience is forged in the face of adversity.

The Journey to Success

Despite lacking experience, Sangita ventured into grape farming, committing herself to learn and adapt. Supported by Mahindra Tractors and various other new facilities, she gradually saw an increase in production and a rise in demand for her products. 

Empowering Women

Sangita's journey is inspirational for women everywhere. Her determination to create a successful business from scratch, despite societal expectations, empowers others to pursue their dreams.


Sangita's journey is one of self-belief and perseverance. She has redefined the meaning of inspiration and made a unique contribution to the empowerment and self-sufficiency of women.

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