Millet Cookies

Must Try Millet Cookies Recipe

By: Vaishnavi Barthwal 
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Millet Cookies Recipe

Millets are all the rage now, and to keep up with the trend, here’s a must-try recipe for millet cookies

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Millet Flour & Sugar

Add and mix millet flour, wheat flour, baking powder, and sugar into a bowl

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Butter & Flour

Once the dry ingredients are mixed, add butter cubes to the bowl

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Once all the butter pieces have been mixed into the flour, add the milk and vanilla essence

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Make a soft dough ball 

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Refrigerate the dough 

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Flatten the dough and shape the cookies according to your preference

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Preheat the oven to 60º C. To preheat, let the oven run for 10 minutes empty

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Place the cookies inside.

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Keep the cookies out to harden them by cooling

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Voila! healthy millet cookies are ready for you to relish 

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Eating Millet Cookie