Mind-Boggling Facts About Cockroaches

From Time Immemorial

Cockroaches, existing for over 200 million years, pre-date certain dinosaurs, with fossil evidence dating back 350 million years, highlighting their ancient lineage.

Attraction to Alcohol

Certain cockroach species particularly attracted to beer, are likely drawn by its hops and sugar content, making it an enticing choice for them.

A Place Without Them

Cockroaches inhabit every continent except Antarctica. Highly adaptable, they thrive in diverse environments, showcasing their remarkable survival abilities worldwide.

Living Headless

Cockroaches can survive headless for a week due to their breathing and circulatory systems. However, they perish from dehydration without access to water.

Breath Holding Capacity

These pests can even survive being submerged underwater for half an hour. They hold their breath often to help regulate their loss of water.

Survival Without Food

Cold-blooded roaches can live a month without food but perish within a week without water, emphasizing their dependence on hydration for survival.

They Move Fast

Cockroaches, despite their size, move swiftly, reaching speeds exceeding three miles per hour. This applies even to nymphs, demonstrating remarkable agility.

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