Miyazaki Mangoes: The Luxurious Fruit


By Shruti Sanwariya


Mangoes, known as the "King of Fruits," are celebrated for their taste. The  Miyazaki variety from Japan stands out for its exceptional quality and high price.

Historical Background

Originating in the city of Miyazaki, Japan, these mangoes have a rich history. Developed in the 1980s, they combine traditional breeding and modern technology.

Unique Appearance

Miyazaki mangoes are called "Egg of the Sun" for their unique appearance. Their vibrant purple skin turns flaming red when ripe, adding to their allure.

Growing Conditions

The Miyazaki prefecture provides an ideal environment with warm weather, fertile soil, and clean water. Meticulous farming practices ensure these mangoes are larger and sweeter.

Quality Standards

Strict quality standards by the Japanese government ensure only the finest fruits reach the market. Factors like weight, size, and sugar content are meticulously monitored.

Symbol of Luxury

Despite their high price, Miyazaki mangoes are sought after for their taste and exclusivity. They symbolize luxury, especially in countries like India, where mangoes are cherished.

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