Prebiotics V/s Probiotics: Know the Difference

By - Saurabh Shukla


Prebiotics are fibers that nourish beneficial gut bacteria while probiotics are live microorganisms that offer health benefits when consumed sufficiently.


Prebiotics act as food for probiotics, aiding their growth in the gut. Probiotics directly introduce beneficial bacteria to maintain gut flora balance.


Prebiotics occur naturally in fruits, vegetables, and grains, and sometimes in supplements while probiotics are found in fermented foods and supplements.

Mode of Action

Prebiotics reach the colon intact, where they're fermented by probiotics, whereas probiotics colonize the gut and interact with existing microbiota.


Prebiotics enhance digestion, nutrient absorption, and immunity by supporting beneficial bacteria, while probiotics offer varied health benefits, including improved digestion and reduced inflammation.


Prebiotics resist environmental factors like heat and acidity, staying intact in the digestive tract, but probiotics can lose viability due to sensitivity to environmental factors.


Prebiotics are generally recognized as safe and don't need premarket approval, while probiotics, regulated as dietary supplements, lack standardized testing and regulation, leading to variability in quality.

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