Stop Discarding Vegetable Peels! Explore its Uses

By Shruti Sanwariya

Flavour to Drinks

Enhance beverages with fruit and vegetable peels. Orange zest enhances cocktails, while cucumber peels add a refreshing twist to drinks.

Infusion For Soups

Boost soup nutrition with vegetable peels. Onion peels can enrich broth depth and provide added nutritional benefits often overlooked.


Utilize fruit and vegetable peels for a natural home remedy. Boil water with pomegranate peels for instant detox tea or try pineapple peel for a tropical twist.

Crispy Chips and More

Utilize versatile potato peels by transforming them into tasty crisps. Bake on parchment paper with olive oil and sea salt until crispy for a guilt-free snack.

Culinary Delights

Dehydrate peels using sunlight or a convection oven, then blend into a powder. Sprinkle this flavourful powder on salads, soups, or dishes for added elevation.


Vegetable peels utilized for skincare include cucumber for acne soothing and onion for cleansing, offering natural, beneficial properties for skin health.

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