Things to Check on Food Labels Before Buying

By Saurabh Shukla

1. FSSAI Logo:

To be sure that safety regulations are being followed, look for the FSSAI logo and the license number.

2. Check Ingredients 

Examine the ingredients listed in descending order by weight, prioritizing whole, recognizable foods. Avoid products with long lists of artificial additives, preservatives, and chemicals.

3. Nutrition Facts:

Check the serving size and quantity of servings per container to compare similar portions. Pay attention to calories, trans fats, added sugars, fiber, sodium, and vital nutrients.

4. Calories Content:

Monitor calorie content per serving to ensure it fits your dietary goals. Balance calorie consumption with expenditure for overall health and weight management.

5. Allergy-Causing Ingredients:

If you have a food allergy or sensitivity, it's important to review allergen information and stay away from common allergens like nuts, dairy, eggs, soy, wheat, or shellfish.

6. Added Sugars:

Identify added sugars in the ingredients and nutrition facts. Limit intake to avoid empty calories and health risks like obesity and diabetes, opting for natural sweetness instead.

7. Sodium Content:

Check sodium per serving to manage intake, as high consumption is linked to hypertension. Select lower sodium options or products labeled "low sodium" or "no added salt."

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