Things You Must Know Before You Feed Pigeons

By Shruti Sanwariya


Feeding pigeons is popular but can lead to harmful consequences. Overfeeding causes large, disease-prone populations, disrupting natural ecosystems and increasing health risks. 

Ecological Impact

Feeding fosters unnaturally dense pigeon populations, straining urban environments with excessive waste and heightened disease transmission risks among birds and humans.

Nutritional Concerns

Pigeons fed human scraps suffer from malnutrition and lose foraging instincts, impacting their health and ability to survive without human aid.

Economic Impact

Pigeon-related damage, including cleanup costs and structural repairs, imposes significant financial burdens on cities and property owners, necessitating extensive pest control measures.

Legal Implications

Feeding bans in cities aim to mitigate pigeon overpopulation and its associated issues, highlighting the legal consequences and public health concerns. 

Responsible Actions

Avoid feeding pigeons to prevent population spikes and health hazards. Support habitat conservation and proper waste management to sustain urban wildlife responsibly.

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