Tips to Obtain Chilled Matka Water

By Shruti Sanwariya

Choose the Right Matka

Ensure the matka is made of good quality, porous clay, which helps in natural cooling. Larger matkas generally retain coolness better.


Place the matka in a shaded area away from direct sunlight. A cool, dark place is ideal with good air circulation to enhance the cooling effect.


Soak the matka in water for 24 hours before its first use to close the pores and remove any impurities. Fill the matka with water and let it stand for a few hours.

Regular Maintenance

Clean the matka regularly to prevent algae and bacteria buildup. Use normal scrub and salt, then rinse thoroughly. Refill the matka with fresh water every day to maintain its cooling efficiency.

Enhanced Cooling

Wrap a damp cloth around the matka. The evaporation of water from the cloth will further cool the matka. Place the matka on a mud or clay stand. This helps in better air circulation and cooling.


Adding a few mint leaves to the water can give a refreshing flavor and a slight cooling effect. Place clay saucers filled with water around the matka. This increases the humidity around the matka, enhancing evaporation and cooling.

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