Unknown Facts About Plumeria

By Shruti Sanwariya


Known as frangipani in Australia, Plumeria was named after French botanist Charles Plumier, famous for its fragrant flowers.

Poisonous Sap

Plumeria, related to oleander, contains poisonous milky sap that can irritate skin and eyes, making gloves advisable for handling.

Fragrance and Pollination

Plumeria's flowers are most fragrant at night, using their scent to attract moths for pollination. They lack nectar but provide essential pollen.

Cultural Beliefs

In folk literature, Plumeria is believed to shelter ghosts and demons, planted in cemeteries in the Philippines and Indonesia.

Hawaiian Tradition

Commonly used in Hawaiian leis, wearing a Plumeria flower over the right ear signifies availability, while over the left ear denotes being taken.

National Flowers

Plumeria is the national flower of Nicaragua and Laos, cherished for its beauty and cultural significance across different regions.

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