What is Trans Fat & WHOs Golden Rule?


By - Ravisha Poddar

Why is Trans Fat Dangerous?

What is Trans Fat & WHOs Golden Rule?

Leads to 2,78,000 global deaths annually, as it clogs arteries, elevating heart attack risks

Trans fats or trans-fatty acids, come    from industrial or natural sources

What is Trans Fat & WHOs Golden Rule?

Trans Fat: The Risk

What is Trans Fat & WHOs Golden Rule?

Street foods, restaurant treats, and even meat and dairy products can harbor trans fats

Found in margarine, vegetable shortening, fried and baked goods

What is Trans Fat & WHOs Golden Rule?

Common Sources

What is Trans Fat & WHOs Golden Rule?

Industrially produced trans fat can be replaced without altering taste or cost

Whether from cows or factories, both types pose equal health risks

Natural and Industrial Trans Fats

This equals less than 2.2g per day for a standard 2000-calorie diet

WHO suggests, adults should limit trans fat intake to less than 1% of total energy

WHO's Golden Rule

Major contributor to coronary heart disease and mortality, with zero health benefits

Trans fat intake increases the risk of death by 34%

Cardiovascular Diseases

REPLACE action package guides nations to eliminate industrial trans fat, saving lives

WHO advocates for healthier food environments and trans fat reduction

The WHO REPLACE Initiative

Mandatory approaches, like limiting trans fat per 100g, are more effective than voluntary measures

Replacing trans fats in food supply is a low-cost, high-impact solution

Cost-Effective Solutions 

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