Did You Know About These Common Mosquito Types?

World Malaria Day:

By Saurabh Shukla

Know About the
Common Mosquito Types

 Did You Know About These Common Mosquito Types?

Aedes Mosquitoes

These bloodthirsty pests, also known as yellow fever mosquitoes, transmit diseases like dengue and Zika, preferring to bite humans in urban areas of tropical regions during the day.

 Did You Know About These Common Mosquito Types?

Asian Tiger Mosquito

Originating from Asia, this mosquito spreads diseases such as dengue and chikungunya, adapting to survive in various climates worldwide, including colder regions, unlike its yellow fever counterpart.

 Did You Know About These Common Mosquito Types?

Anopheles Mosquito

With unique eggs equipped with floatation devices, Anopheles mosquitoes transmit malaria, mainly by biting at night and laying eggs that hatch in two to three days.

House Mosquito

Known scientifically as Culex quinquefasciatus, this species feasts on birds and mammals, transmitting West Nile virus in tropical and subtropical regions.

Saltmarsh Mosquito

Aedes sollicitans, named for its vexing bites, ranges along the Atlantic coast and Gulf of Mexico, traveling up to 40 miles in search of blood from humans and various animals.

Plant Mosquito

Found near carnivorous plants, these mosquitoes lay eggs in water-filled pitchers, with some females biting while others don't. Researchers study them for potential gene manipulation to combat mosquito-borne diseases.

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