Yoga Poses for Improved Digestion

By: Vaishnavi Barthwal

Child's Pose

This pose helps relax the abdominal muscles and gently massages the digestive organs, promoting digestion

Downward-Facing Dog

This pose increases blood flow to the digestive organs, stimulates digestion, and helps relieve bloating and gas

Seated Forward Bend

This pose compresses the abdomen, stimulating the digestive organs, and can help relieve constipation

Supine Twist 

Twisting poses like the Supine Twist help stimulate digestion and improve intestinal motility

Cat-Cow Pose

This dynamic pose massages the abdomen, stretches the spine, and stimulates digestion

Bridge Pose

Bridge Pose helps improve digestion by stretching and massaging the abdominal area and stimulating the thyroid gland

Triangle Pose 

 Stimulates the abdominal organs, including the digestive system, & helps improve digestion and relieve constipation.

Wind-Relieving Pose

This pose helps release trapped gas, improves digestion, and relieves bloating and indigestion

Cobra Pose

Cobra Pose strengthens the abdominal muscles, stimulates digestion, and helps relieve constipation

Extended Triangle Pose

This pose stretches the abdominal muscles, stimulates digestion, and helps relieve constipation and indigestion

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