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ICAR-IISWC Distributes Dual-Purpose Vanaraja Chicks to Boost Rural Livelihoods in Dehradun's Kalsi Block

ICAR-IISWC distributes Vanaraja chicks to enhance rural livelihoods through sustainable poultry farming.

Updated on: 13 June, 2024 3:13 PM IST By: KJ Staff
ICAR-IISWC Distributes Dual-Purpose Vanaraja Chicks to Boost Rural Livelihoods in Dehradun's Kalsi Block

ICAR-IISWC (Indian Institute of Soil and Water Conservation) in Dehradun has initiated a program aimed at improving poultry farming among rural communities. As part of the SC-SP (Scheduled Caste Sub-Plan) program, the institute distributed one-month-old dual-purpose Vanaraja chicks to 30 families across several villages in the Kalsi Block of Dehradun. These chicks are renowned for their dual benefits of providing both eggs and meat, thus serving as a sustainable source of nutrition and income.

Dr. M. Muruganandam, Head of the PME and KM Unit and Coordinator of the SC-SP and TSP (Tribal Sub-Plan) programs, highlighted the initiative's objective to support weaker sections of rural society, particularly women, children, and the elderly.

He highlighted the importance of optimal cage design, feeding practices, and disease prevention measures for ensuring the chicks' healthy growth and productivity. The distribution is expected to enhance livelihood security and promote economic empowerment among the beneficiary families.

The Vanaraja breed is specifically chosen for its resilience and rapid growth, making it well-suited for backyard poultry farming. The distribution was accompanied by practical demonstrations on effective rearing techniques, aimed at equipping the recipients with necessary skills for successful poultry farming.

This initiative underscores ICAR's commitment to promoting sustainable agriculture practices and improving rural livelihoods through targeted interventions.

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