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World Hydrogen Summit 2024: Secretary Bhupinder Singh Bhalla Highlights India's Strategic Vision & Capabilities

Secretary Bhupinder Singh Bhalla's keynote address showcased India's leadership, ambition, and capabilities in renewable energy and green hydrogen production.

Updated on: 17 May, 2024 12:10 PM IST By: Shivam Dwivedi
World Hydrogen Summit 2024: Secretary Bhupinder Singh Bhalla Highlights India's Strategic Vision & Capabilities (Photo Source: PIB)

Addressing the World Hydrogen Summit 2024 in Rotterdam, Netherlands on May 15, 2024, Secretary Bhupinder Singh Bhalla from the Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, Government of India, showcased India's strategic vision and capabilities in renewable energy and green hydrogen production. He highlighted the comprehensive nature of India's National Green Hydrogen Mission, which includes pilot projects, research and development initiatives, and skill development programs. This holistic approach reflects the government's commitment to fostering innovation and collaboration across the hydrogen value chain.

India's position as a global leader in renewable energy affordability was underscored by Secretary Bhalla, citing the nation's low cost of renewable energy. With competitive pricing, India presents an attractive landscape for domestic and international investments in renewable energy projects.

Integrated Grid Infrastructure Facilitating Renewable Energy Integration

Highlighting India's integrated grid infrastructure, Secretary Bhalla emphasized its role in seamlessly integrating renewable energy sources into the national energy mix. This infrastructure not only enhances grid stability and reliability but also optimizes efficiency by strategically placing renewable energy plants.

Secretary Bhalla highlighted India's abundant pool of skilled engineers as a cornerstone for the successful implementation of renewable energy and green hydrogen projects. With world-class expertise in engineering, procurement, and construction services, India offers a robust talent pool capable of executing projects efficiently.

Asserting India's ambition to emerge as a leading exporter of green hydrogen, Secretary Bhalla reiterated the nation's commitment to sustainable energy practices. With a strategic focus on scaling up production, India aims to capitalize on emerging opportunities in the international market for green hydrogen.

Secretary Bhalla assured the World Hydrogen Summit delegates of India's capability to meet any scale of production demand for green hydrogen, provided there is sufficient market demand and support. This confidence stems from India's robust renewable energy deployment strategy outlined in its Nationally Determined Contributions.

India is poised to emerge as a key player in shaping the global hydrogen economy and advancing sustainable energy solutions on a global scale.

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