Misinformation, Myths and Facts in Organic Farming

Organic is a very popular word to attract consumers as an easy net to catch. The organic food and farming narrative has picked up momentum and attention in the past decade then never before. Is organic Farming Sustainable and can it sustain the global hunger? Is organic food safe for consumption? Is it expensive than conventional farming? how about pesticides usage inorganic Farming? There are many myths and misconceptions in Organic Farming and it is very important to educate the farmers so that they can make informed choices. Let’s explore some of the major debatable topics. 

Engaging in organic farming is leading to an increase in hunger and starvation. 

Farmers have to use chemical fertilizers for more yield. Farming benefits us more than organic farming in terms of yield. We found that problems like malnutrition and obesity. Experts reveal that more food grains are grown for cattle than should be grown for humans all over the world. The amount of production that is used to rear poultry or meat is far higher than crops produced for human consumption.  

After looking at all these records, we came to the conclusion that there is a shortage in the country, not in terms of food grains, but in management. 

Many farmers believe that through organic farming, we can never feed all the people of the country

We contacted various government and non-government organizations with regard to this belief. We found that the government is running many schemes for the promotion of organic farming. These schemes support the farmers in diverse ways.

  • Mission organic value chain for North Eastern Region (MOVCDNER)
  • National Mission on Oilseeds and oil Palm
  • Capital instrument Subsidy Scheme (CISS) under soil Health management Scheme
  • Farmers can get different benefits even in production. 

Today, the central and state governments offer many subsidies for organic farming. Farmers are enabled to take up organic farming at a low cost. There are many villages in India in which only organic farming is practiced. 

A major belief is that there is low yield from organic farming and it also has higher costs. Farmers feel that only rich farmers can take up organic farming

We spoke to many small and big farmers who have taken up organic farming. We came to know that this farming is cheaper and more economical than chemical fertilizer farming. From the fertilizers used in this farming, all the other arrangements are done at your own home. In this system, the farmer does not even have to spend much. If farmers want government help related to this, then they can take many benefits by enrolling in the subsidy schemes run by the government.

Farmers say that when any farmer incurs a  loss in any organic farming crop , it takes 2 to 3 crop cycles to make up for this loss. When we spoke to many experts and organic farmers, we found that this was not true. 

If the farmer adopts the right management of organic farming, he does not face any loss. If the farmer adopts the right methods for farming, then the farmer is able to make up for any crop loss. He is able to make the  profit in the next cycle itself.

Many farmers say that they are habitual to the use of chemical fertilizers. Because of this farmers now consider that land suitable only for the crop of chemical fertilizers. 

For this, we obtained information from many soil scientists. We came to know that if chemical farming has been done in a field, it does not mean that the land is unsuitable for organic farming. Farmers have many methods to do organic farming even in such land. 

To begin organic farming, it is a good practice to get the land tested before the plantation. 

It is wrong to assume that organic farming yields low productivity. Scientists and organic farming experts say that first, soil test has to be done. Then other processes have to be completed for organic farming.

After completing all these processes, the farmer is more likely to get more production from a crop cycle than what he gets from chemical farming.

Some farmers said that they do not get any kind of scientific support in this type of farming. 

These gaps need to be bridged. Government and non-government organizations provide scientific support to farmers for organic farming. 

Information is provided regarding soil composition, and information about all the organic fertilizers that can be adopted for use. Farmers feel that organic farming needs intensive labour. 

Farmers who practice organic farming told us that it needs less money and also less labour. Farmers say that with organic farming, their costs are low. It also saves them the trouble of checking the land again and again. If the complete package of organic farming adopted,high labour is not required. The major component of labour requirement is for weed control and that can be reduced by using specific technologies. 

There is confusion among farmers about organic farming. They feel that it is difficult to manage pests in this kind of farming.

 But when we gathered information, we learned that organic pesticides are used for organic farming. The cost remains low, and there is no negative impact on yield.

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