Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers, (Guduchi) is one of the important dioecious plants that belong to the family Menispermaceae. In Hindi, the plant is known as Giloy. In Ayurveda, it is known as Rasayana drug and suggested to enhance general body resistance, promote longevity and as antistress and adaptogen. T. cordifolia is widely used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine in India for its, anti-inflammatory, immuno-modulatory, anti-pyretic activity, antioxidant, anti-diabetic, anti-allergic and anti-arthritic activities and various other medicinal properties. Almost all the parts of the plant are used in ayurvedic formulation.
Stem cutting is the best propagating material of this plant and mainly done in the month of June-July. Seeds also used for propagation of this plant, before sowing seeds are soaked in water for 24 hours for fast germinate. The hydroprimed seeds are sown in polybags during May-July. Germination takes place in 8-10 days with 80-90 per cent success. In case of fresh seeds without any pre soaking, only 30-35 per cent germination is obtained. The nursery duration for these plants is up to one and half months. Semi hard wood cuttings of pencil thickness with 2-4 nodes are planted in June-July. It requires some support preferably neem and mango trees. It is quite easy to propagate that even if a twig is placed on a branch of a tree, it establishes itself as a giant climber in a couple of years.
Cultivation & Management of crop
Soil and climate: It can grow well in almost any type of soils, however light sandy loam soil rich in organic matter with good drainage is suitable for this crop. Plant grows well in tropical and subtropical conditions. It is sensitive to waterlogging condition.
Nursery raising and planting: The plant is cultivated by stem cutting obtained from older stem in the month of May-June. Stem with node directly sown in field just after cutting from mother plant. About 2500 stem cutting is recommended per hectare land for good crop growth. The optimum spacing is 3m x 3m for higher yield It requires some support preferably Neem and Mango trees, such plants are supposed to possess better medicinal values.
Land preparation and fertilizer application: Before plantation land is ploughed and made weed free. A basal dose of 10 tonnes farmyard manure is recommended for higher yield and basal dose of 75 kg of nitrogen is also applied as basal dose.
Pesticides: As such no serious insect pest or diseases are reported in this crop.
Irrigation: The field after plantation should be irrigated periodically as and when required. However, it is mainly grown as rain-fed crop
Harvesting/post harvesting operation: Mature plants are collected, cut into small pieces and dried in shad.
Yield: Approximately 10-15 q. /ha.
Uses in Diseases: Used in many disease like Dengue, Swine flu, Bird flu, Fever of unknown origin, Throat infection, Sneezing, Coughing and Body aches .
The principal components of Tinospora cordifolia
The main alkaloid and secondary metabolites of giloy are tinosporine, tinosporide, tinosporaside, cordifolide, cordifol, heptacosanol and tinosporidine, which are effective in removing body toxins and improving immune system.
Dr. Shailesh Kumar (Assistant Professor)
Dr. A. K. Singh (Professor)
CBS&H, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University,Pusa, Bihar-848125, India
Dr. Sweta Mishra (Associate Professor, COB, SVPUA&T, Meerut-250110)