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ICAR Empowers Goan Farmers with Innovative Rice Farming Techniques in Coastal Saline Soils

ICAR facilitated a training session in Goa to equip farmers with modern techniques for rice cultivation in coastal saline soils, distributing improved rice varieties and bio formulations tailored for Khazan lands.

Updated on: 11 June, 2024 11:02 AM IST By: KJ Staff
ICAR Empowers Goan Farmers with Innovative Rice Farming Techniques in Coastal Saline Soils (This is image has been created with MidJourney)

In a bid to bolster rice farming in Khazan lands, ICAR-Krishi Vigyan Kendra, in collaboration with ICAR-Central Coastal Agricultural Research Institute, Goa, organized a comprehensive training session at Mayam village.

The event, held under the Technology Demonstration Component of National Innovations in Climate Resilient Agriculture, aimed to equip farmers with the latest techniques and inputs to enhance productivity in coastal saline soils.

Dr. N. Bommayasamy, Senior Scientist and Head of ICAR-KVK, North Goa, underscored the importance of utilizing drum seeders for direct sowing rice, alongside practices such as concurrent cultivation of rice with dhaincha for green manure, treating seeds with biofertilizers, and employing bio-control agents for pest management.

Additionally, strategies for maintaining soil health and productivity through organic manure and bio-fertilizers were emphasized, along with the use of bio-pesticides and bio-fungicides to combat pests and diseases.

During the program, ten farmers and farm women from the NICRA-adopted village received improved high-yielding rice variety, Goa dhan-4, and bioformulation, Goa Bio-1, specially developed for Khazan lands.

This initiative signifies a concerted effort towards sustainable agriculture practices tailored to the unique environmental conditions of coastal regions.

(Source: ICAR-Central Coastal Agricultural Research Institute, Goa)

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