Guaranteed MSP: How to Resolve?

If the entire food grain is sold at “Minimum support price” (MSP), the farmer’s distress can be resolved to a large extent.

Updated on: 11 March, 2022 12:28 PM IST By: R.P. Gupta
Women Farmers

Average income of farmers is miserably low while comparing with other persons engaged in the industry and services. This is due to low sale price at farm gate and the surplus production of food grains. In general, there is perennial distress among the farmers causing suicides and agitations. If the entire food grain is sold at “Minimum support price” (MSP), the farmer’s distress can be resolved to a large extent.  

Agro input subsidies reduces the production cost but its benefits are passed on to consumers and not to farmers in the true sense. “KissanSammanNidhi” could be an interim relief but not a permanent solution. A sustainable sale price of Agro produce is the right choice. For which, MSP must be ensured to all farmers through appropriate policy. Moot question is; whether the “Guaranteed MSP” is feasible considering the fiscal constraints? If not, how to resolve it? For perishable Agro-produce, a separate policy is needed which is not discussed here. 

In FY-2020, Government had procured barely 26% (by value) food grain (23 eligible crops)under MSP. This might be below 15% of all crops. Even with such low level procurement, unsold stock with FCI is about 32.0 million tons and 24.0 million tons with states. The debt of FCI has also exceeded Rs. 4.0 lakh crores incurring huge interest and storage cost. Therefore, it is not feasible for government to buy entire production.  

Unlike industrial product, the production and marketing cycle of food grain is very long. It is produced 1-3 times in a year and consumed throughout the year. Hence, it is to be stored during crop arrival season and then sold in the elongated period. Considering such long cycle, India must develop food processing industries and trade channel for procurement during the crop arrival season.

Due to bulk arrival of crop in the season, the market price shall remain lower which may cause exploitation of farmers by these private channels. Therefore, alone legal binding of MSP on the trade channel might be an incomplete and unviable solution. Considering the complexity, India needs an “out of box idea”. By which, the farmers will get MSP and the fiscal and debt burden on Government and FCI shall also reduce except during the initial years. 

  • FCI must assist farmers for such sale to private channels through auction. The floor price must be kept about 93-95% of MSP. FCI should fix quality standards and provide testing facility to avoid any arbitrary deduction on the quality ground by purchaser.  

  • Unsold stock must be essentially stored by FCI and a “Goods receipt”(GR) may be issued to farmer mentioning the quantity, quality and loan amount. The validity period of such GR may be 5-6 months. FCI must extend loan to farmer up to 90% of stock value at MSP price. Same can be refinanced by Banks to FCI at SLR rate. In absence of such stocking facility, the farmer is compelled to sell its produce at distress price to trade channel. This is the key recommendation.

  • GR must be transferable and tradable in the open market, e-NAM and Commodity exchange. For which, FCI must assist and charge nominal fee of 0.5% of sale value.  The interest and storage charges may be levied maximum 9%per annum on the stock value which may be recovered from the ultimate buyer during delivery of goods. Balance money may be remitted to farmers. This will eliminate the interest and storage cost of FCI.

  • In general, the price of food grain increase still the next crop arrives in Mandis. Thus, the farmers shall get remunerative price after storage, as normally done by trade channel. With prior consent of farmers, FCI may also purchase the stock at MSP as per needs of PDS scheme.  For which, FCI don’t need separate buffer stock, as being done now. Hence, it will reduce the debt burden on FCI.

  • In case, the stock is not sold by farmers within the validity period of GR, they shall lose selling rights and it shall be deemed sale to FCI at MSP.  Immediately after the expiry of validity of GR, FCI shall remit balance money after adjusting debt, interest and storage charges. 

With above arrangements, the farmers might get about 95% of MSP.  Hence, MSP may be increased by 5-7%. After one or two years, there are bright chances for getting higher price to farmers. FCI shall also be benefited since; its debt burden and storage cost shall reduce.  Rather, it might earn gross profit in future years. 

For availing benefit by all farmers across the nation, FCI should increase network of Mandis and storage capacity. It should also build marketing infrastructures. More so, it must disseminate market information to farmers.  

Intermittently, the stock with FCI might increase due to excess production or poor market demand. In such a situation, FCI must quickly export directly or through trade channels. The government must encourage export and be liberal for giving need-based export incentives to compensate the loss of FCI and trade channel and processing industries. By this, the debt of FCI shall reduce and the storage capacity shall be available for fresh arrival of crop. More so, trade channel shall also participate. 

The fiscal burden due to such export incentives may be gradually compensated by cutting down farm input subsidy which is in fact not retained with farmers but passed on to consumers. 

Simultaneously, India must promote food grain processing industries near to FCI godown. FCI should share logistic infrastructure with processing industries and trade channel for exports and onward marketing. A team spirit between FCI, Government, Processing Industries, Traders, Exporters and Farmers will certainly deliver the desired outcome. The states should also join this team. 

Currently, India must provide such relief to farmers and save from the prolonged sufferings. Gradually, the production cost of Agro-produce must be reduced through investment in infrastructure and technology for protecting the consumers. Farmers may be also pursued for crop diversion; that will reduce Agro-imports and enhance income. India should also develop entrepreneurial skill of farmers. A composite plan for 5 years will certainly resolve the farmer crisis and fetch ‘Rural prosperity’ and reduce ‘urban migration’. Thus it will be a win-win situation for all. 

Author Details

R.P. Gupta, Author, Jan-Andolan, Turn Around India 2020 

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