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Can Fatty Liver Impact the Skin?

Changes in the skin can often reflect underlying health issues, acting as a visible indicator of internal conditions. Fatty liver disease, for example, manifests certain noticeable that warrant prompt medical attention.

Updated on: 14 May, 2024 10:47 AM IST By: Sarbani Bhattacharjee
Can Fatty Liver Impact the Skin? (This image has been created with MidJourney)

Fatty liver, medically known as hepatic steatosis, is a condition characterized by the accumulation of excess fat in the liver cells. This buildup of fat can impair liver function and lead to various complications.

Broadly, fatty liver can be categorized into two main types: alcoholic fatty liver disease (AFLD) and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). AFLD is caused by excessive alcohol consumption, while NAFLD is associated with factors such as obesity, insulin resistance, high cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes. If left untreated, fatty liver can progress to more severe conditions such as liver inflammation (steatohepatitis), fibrosis, cirrhosis, and even liver failure. Notably, its effects can also show up on the skin. Hence, recognizing these signs is crucial for early detection which can help manage the condition. So, here are 5 signs you are suffering from fatty liver. Read On.

1. Rosacea:

One of the visible signs of fatty liver disease on the skin is rosacea. This chronic skin condition causes facial redness, often accompanied by small red blood vessels or white bumps. While rosacea can have multiple causes, its presence on the face may indicate underlying liver issues associated with fatty liver disease.

2. Jaundice:

Advanced stages of liver damage can lead to jaundice, a condition characterized by yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes. This occurs due to the build-up of bilirubin, a yellow-orange pigment when the liver fails to function effectively. Jaundice is a prominent indicator of liver dysfunction and implies immediate medical attention.

3. Pruritus (Itchy Skin):

Itchy skin, or pruritus, can be a bothersome symptom and indicates severity. This constant itching may affect areas such as the hands around the eyes or sometimes the entire body, leading to constant discomfort.

4. Spider Veins:

Spider veins, also known as spider telangiectasia, can appear on the skin because of liver dysfunction. These thread-like lesions occur when capillaries beneath the skin's surface dilate, resulting in red spots with vein-like extensions resembling a spider's web.

5. Yellowish Patches and Bumps:

Yellowish patches and bumps scattered across the skin may also signify fatty liver disease. These patches can vary in size and the affected areas highlighting the systemic impact of fatty liver on the skin.

The skin serves as a mirror reflecting internal health. In the case of fatty liver disease, there are prominent signs on the skin that require immediate care.

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