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Climate Change Disproportionately Impacts Rural Women's Income, Widening Gender Disparities: Report

The study highlights the urgent need for targeted interventions to empower vulnerable populations and address inequalities exacerbated by climate-related extreme weather events.

Updated on: 8 March, 2024 1:24 PM IST By: Saurabh Shukla
FAO Report Reveals Climate Change Disproportionately Impacts Rural Women's Income, Widening Gender Disparities (Photo Source: Pexels)

A New report from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) sheds light on the unequal impacts of climate change on rural incomes, particularly affecting women, deprived individuals, and the elderly. The report titled "The Unjust Climate" notes how climate-related extreme weather events worsen existing income disparities, widening the gap between genders and socioeconomic classes.

Disproportionate Losses for Women

FAO study, drawing data from over 100,000 rural households across 24 low and middle-income countries, uncovers a stark reality: female-headed households in rural areas suffer significantly greater financial losses than their male counterparts. On average, these households experience an 8% higher income loss due to heat stress and a 3% higher loss due to floods. Translating into a per capita reduction of $83 and $35 respectively, these losses amount to a staggering $37 billion and $16 billion across all studied countries.

Widening Income Disparities

Report projects a dire future if climate change remains unaddressed, predicting a potential 34% greater loss in total incomes for women compared to men with just a 1°C increase in average temperatures. Given existing disparities in agricultural productivity and wages, this trend threatens to further widen income gaps in rural communities.

Socioeconomic Factors

Study highlights how socioeconomic factors intersect with gender to magnify the effects of climate change on rural incomes. Poor households, for instance, suffer a 5% greater income loss due to heat stress, exacerbating existing inequalities. Moreover, extreme temperatures worsen child labor and increase the unpaid workload for women in poor households.

FAO Director-General QU Dongyu stresses the urgent need for targeted interventions to address these challenges. However, the report reveals a concerning lack of visibility for rural populations in national climate plans, with only a fraction of proposed actions addressing the specific vulnerabilities of women, youth, and impoverished individuals.

Policy Recommendations

Report calls for investing in gender-transformative methodologies that challenge discriminatory norms and empower women to make economic decisions. It also advocates for inclusive climate actions embedded in FAO's Strategic Framework, emphasizing the importance of linking social protection programs to adaptive measures and promoting gender equality in agricultural policies.

Key Findings

Among the key findings highlighted in the report:

  • Poor households lose 4.4% of their total income due to floods relative to better-off households.

  • Rising temperatures increase poor households' dependency on climate-sensitive agriculture, exacerbating income disparities.

  • Women plot managers demonstrate equal capability in adopting climate-adaptive practices but face greater income losses during extreme weather events.

  • Young rural households experience an increase in total incomes due to floods and heat stress relative to older households.

  • Extreme temperatures lead to increased child labor, reflecting the heightened workload for women.

As climate change continues to amplify existing inequalities, concerted efforts are needed to empower vulnerable rural populations and ensure inclusive climate actions. FAO report serves as a wake-up call, urging policymakers to prioritize gender-responsive and equitable measures to build resilience and mitigate the adverse effects of climate change on rural incomes.

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