Shweta Kapila: Goa's First Indigenous Cattle Breed Gets National Recognition from ICAR-NBAGR
Shweta Kapila, a unique indigenous cattle breed from Goa, is known for its climate resilience, disease resistance, and efficient milk production. With its white coat and adaptability to hot, humid conditions, this breed plays a vital role in Goa’s dairy industry.
Shweta Kapila, an indigenous cattle breed from Goa, has been officially recognized by the ICAR-National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources (NBAGR). This significant development marks the breed’s official recognition and documentation as part of India’s rich agricultural biodiversity, acknowledging its unique qualities and valuable contribution to Goa's agricultural sector.
Shweta Kapila is a native cow breed of Goa, perfectly adapted to the high rainfall and humid coastal conditions of the region. This breed exhibits remarkable resilience against climate challenges. Characterized by its short stature and white coat, the breed is also known for its impressive adaptability and disease resistance. One of its key advantages is its low feed intake, making it an efficient choice for farmers in the area.
Before receiving official recognition, Shweta Kapila was classified as "non-descript" due to the lack of formal documentation. However, after concerted efforts by ICAR-CCARI, Goa, it has now received an official identity.
The certification ceremony took place at the National Agricultural Science Complex in New Delhi and was inaugurated by Dr. Himanshu Pathak, Secretary (DARE) and Director General (ICAR). During the event, Dr. Udharwar Sanjaykumar, a Senior Scientist at ICAR-KVK in Goa, received the Animal Breed Registration Certificate on behalf of the institution. The breed was officially registered by the Breed Registration Committee of ICAR under the accession number: INDIA CATTLE_3500_SHWETAKAPILA_03048.
Locally called "Gaunthi" or "Gavthi dhavi," Shweta Kapila is known for its distinct white coat that stretches from the muzzle to the tail switch, with light brown hues on the eyelashes and muzzle. These animals are short to medium in height, with a straight face and small, slightly curved upward horns. Their bowl-shaped udder with cylindrical teats makes them ideal for milk production. On average, a Shweta Kapila cow produces 2.8 kg of milk daily, with a total lactation yield ranging from 250 to 650 kg.
The breed’s strong adaptation to hot and humid weather conditions has made it an essential part of the dairy industry in Goa. Despite its limited use in field work, such as ploughing and threshing, the breed is highly valued for its milk production. The average lactation yield of a Shweta Kapila cow is 510 kg, with a milk fat content of 5.21%, making it an excellent choice for dairy farmers.
The registration of Shweta Kapila is part of the central government’s “Mission Zero Non-Descript” initiative, which focuses on protecting and promoting India’s native animal genetic resources. Its inclusion in the National Animal Genetic Resources database ensures the breed’s preservation for future generations and strengthens efforts to safeguard India’s indigenous livestock breeds.
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