

Farmers are the backbone of every country. They are the ones who produce the food that we eat.

Farmers are the backbone of every country. They are the ones who produce the food that we eat.

Agriculture is one of the most important sectors in our economy and has a huge impact on our lives. But what if we could give farmers access to information about new technology? That would help them become more competitive globally and reduce their dependence on imported commodities.


  • Farmer's factual information based on the latest research will increase productivity to the maximum and make this country globally competitive.
  • It will also help them to generate income from their land, thus reducing dependence on imports.
  • The information they receive will help them to make better decisions about food production, including water availability, climate change mitigation, biodiversity conservation etc.

Agrowon is a new startup that has managed to get a readership in print as well as on the Digital platform. They have managed to do this by focusing on their core business by helping the farmers to grow and getting their huge responses.

Why to choose us?

  • The Agrowon app will cover agricultural issues and rural development at a systemic level, through original data and unbiased analysis.
  • We need to do smart farming in order to meet the world’s growing demand of food and be able to feed ourselves adequately. We have developed further ahead with agricultural assistance via Agrowon's mobile platform.
  • It is the authoritative medium pertaining to all aspects of Agriculture. New catering trends, better practices, and the application of futuristic technologies are presented clearly.
  • The coverage covers broad and exhaustive coverage of important crops in the Indian agriculture market like, wheat, cotton, jowar; peel wheat, orange juice etc.


The market for agricultural produce is growing rapidly. This is due to the rise in population and the increasing urbanization. In order to meet this demand, farmers are looking for innovative ways of producing high quality fruits and vegetables, dairy products, fisheries, etc.







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