

The BigHaat Smart Farming App is one of the best agriculture apps for the year 2020 and is considered as a complete solution for those who are considering farming.

The BigHaat Smart Farming App is one of the best agriculture apps for the year 2020 and is considered as a complete solution for those who are considering farming. It helps the farmers to plan, implement and manage their farms in a more efficient manner. Our goal is to transform the future of farmers and make them sustainable by helping them generate profit.

It has a marketplace for buying and selling agricultural products. BigHaat’s Farmer Centric Platform helps the farmers by providing them with accurate crop related information. It also provides them with market price data and expert advice on what crops they should be planting in their region.

Farmers can use this app to get information about their crops and make decisions on what to plant or sell. Shop for the widest range of Agri products including seeds, pesticides, fertilizers, etc. and be a part of the strong community of people who are passionate about farming.

It's useful for Indian ranchers to have a tool like this to help them make decisions more easily and make more money in the long run. It tackles new innovations like global positioning, satellite imagery, large data investigations, image analysis to eliminate the struggle of cultivating outside.

Our special features

BigHaat offers the following features to its users:

Agri Store

Agri Store is a marketplace for farmers. Farmers get access to a wide range of high-quality agricultural products. Buyers have the option to buy any type of product they want from the website and they also get doorstep delivery of their order. At Agri Store, farmers get access to offer input on what they need and what they do not need.

Various Indian Languages

We offer our platform in English as well as other Indian languages like Hindi, Telugu. We will be adding more languages, so be sure to check up on us later!

Crop Doctor

Crop Doctor is a new technology in the field of agriculture. It was developed to help farmers and agricultural workers to diagnose the problem with their crops just by clicking on an image of their crops. Crop Doctor provides a diagnosis and treatment plan for the crop problem within seconds.


Kisan Vedika for Farmers

Kisan Vedika is a social media community with a mission to empower farmers to make informed decisions about their crops, livestock and other aspects of their lives. They do this by providing information, education and training to help them make better decisions in the future. The Kisan Vedika team is made up of professionals who have chosen farming as a profession and work with farmers on matters related to agriculture.

Know about weather conditions in advance

Weather forecasting can be personalized to suit your needs. Agricultural activities are dependent on the weather conditions. Farmers need to know the weather in advance so that they can plan their activities accordingly and make the best use of their time. With this app, customized for different crops- you have the most accurate weather data at hand.
















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