Digital Saathi for Farmers

Digital Saathi for Farmers

Farmers are faced with many challenges such as lack of time, lack of knowledge and lack of funds to produce high quality food.

The Digital Saathi is a mobile application that helps farmers in their day-to-day work. It provides them with information on agroecology and farming techniques, allows them to share their knowledge and gives them access to tools for data analysis.

We aim to provide smart solutions to farmers' problems by connecting theory with execution and leveraging the power of technology. By working with experts and enabling them to work more efficiently, we can provide our customers with the best service.

We aim to improve livelihoods of small & marginal land holder farmers by providing accurate agricultural practices, access to modern weather forecasting and market price data.

You can also use the same approach to connect your customers to other service providers in the Agri value chain.

  • Agri Input Market Place: The Agri-input market is growing very fast. And with the introduction of smart technology, we can expect to see a lot of changes in the future. Buy good quality better prices Agri-inputs at your doorsteps.
  • Crop Doctor: Crop Doctor is a photo-based tool that helps farmers to identify their crop problems. It allows them to compare crops in different regions and it can also help with identifying diseases.
  • Market Price: This section is about the market price of your crop in the nearest mandi. The trend of the market price can be seen in 7 days. You can also find the prices for your crop on a specific mandi.
  • Crop Sell Offer: There are many ways to create a crop sell offer. But it is usually not the best way to find the best price. Crop sell offers are usually created based on a specific product or service.

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