Indian Satellite Weather

Indian Satellite Weather

The Indians are known for their love of technology and innovation.

The Indians are known for their love of technology and innovation.

The app is designed to bring the user’s current weather information on a mobile phone to their home screen. It also allows the user to see live satellite images of the city, which can be overlaid with their current location.

In the current era, it is common to see images of weather forecast in newspapers and on TV. But how does this work?

The human mind is not very good at processing complex information like weather data. We can't just stare at a map for hours without moving our eyes. So we have to use artificial intelligence (AI) to process the data in a more efficient way.

Use of this app

  • Today, an image map is just a click away. In 3D image map technology-based weather services like Google Sky, you don't need to click around for hours. You will get accurate forecasts that are of a high quality every time.
  • Cloud formations will change according to the weather and hence it is not necessary to go out and think hard before planning your next meeting.

The app will only display the weather data, search for nearby cities and download detailed weather maps. The downloaded map data will be cached locally so that downloads of the map data are quick.

Sources of information

This application can be useful when you want to quickly fetch current weather information on any spot and this data is collected from the most popular sites: CIMSS ( and IMD (Indian Meteorological Department) (

 This is an Open Source Application:

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