Pashu Mela

Pashu Mela

Farmers are always interested in the prices of their cattle. They want to know how much they can get for their cattle.

Farmers are always interested in the prices of their cattle. They want to know how much they can get for their cattle. This is where Pashu Mela comes into the picture. It is a virtual marketplace where you can sell or purchase your cattle without giving any commission to the middle man.

Main Advantage of Pashu Mela:

  • It provides farmers with a platform where they can sell or buy their cattle without having to deal with middlemen, who charge them commissions for every transaction.
  • In India, there are thousands of cattle and buffaloes that are sold every day. They are being bought and sold without any hassle.
  • The application is designed to help the buyers and sellers by providing all the necessary information about the cows and buffaloes they are looking for, including a detailed price list along with details of the cattle and buffaloes being bought or sold.
  • The application also provides an opportunity to sellers to ask for a better price for their cattle or buffaloes.
  • The best way to increase the animal welfare of your livestock is through the use of a smart pashu mandi app.

Buyer loves your cattle; makes an enquiry in plain text form and then chooses to proceed with purchase. Photos of cattle given at pashu Melas can now be viewed conveniently from your phone or any other digital device.

Various breeds of cows and buffalos available on our app are listed below:

Cow - Gir, Sahiwal, Haryana, Rathi, Red Sindhi, Tharparkar, Kankrej and other breeds are available.

Buffalo - Murra, Jaffarabadi, Neeli Ravi and other breeds are available.

Goat - Sojat, Osmanabadi, Beetle, Barbary and other breeds are available.

Poultry - Essel, Kadaknath, Swarnath, Chittagong and other breeds are available.

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