PAU Kisan

PAU Kisan

The Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) Kisan App is developed for the welfare of farmers in Sept 2018. This is a initiative of Director of Extension Education, PAU, Ludhiana.

The Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) Kisan App is developed for the welfare of farmers in Sept 2018. This is a initiative of Director of Extension Education, PAU, Ludhiana. The app is a digital platform for farmers to get access to information about agriculture and allied sectors.

It is a mobile app that guides and helps farmers in India. It is designed to help them with their day-to-day tasks and also provides information on weather, crop prices, and market rates.

The app also offers a chatbot which can answer questions about farming practices, fertilizers and pesticides.

This app is a platform to provide information about crops, weather, seed, kheti sandesh, etc.

Our Main Purpose

  • This app is a one stop solution for all the farming related information. It provides information about various crops and their cultivation process.
  • It also provides data on weather, seed, training and advisory for farmers to get an idea of what they need to do in order to make their farm successful.

The Crop Advisory is a service provides daily updates on weather forecasts and planting conditions in order to help farmers make decisions about when they should plant their crops.

This way farmer is able to make informed decisions about when they should plant their crops based on what they can expect to earn from them at harvest time.

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