Swaroop agro

Swaroop agro

Swaroop Agro is agricultural app launched in 1993 that helps farmers to increase their productivity and grow their business. Growers in Maharashtra have the ability to produce high quality grapes through purchasing of hormones, pesticides and agro chemicals.

A new approach to product development is being developed. The idea behind it is to use artificial intelligence (AI) in the R&D process, and the laboratory is being set up for this purpose.

Swaroops is a digital agency that helps clients build their businesses by providing them with the right content and ideas. We have developed a range of products to help you create and produce content that will boost your business online.

Swaroops have now included a total of X100 in their range – micro-nutrients, natural & certified organic growth promoters, natural herbal consumables as well as pesticides. Swaroop manufactures around 50 products which find application on almost all types of Field Crops, Vegetables and Cash Crops. The company also produces a wide range of agricultural products and tools for farmers to use in their farming activities.

More Agriculture Apps on Farm and Agriculture Utility Apps