Bitter gourd- Pusa Hybrid-4
This is the first gynoecious based bitter gourd hybrid developed by ICAR-IARI,New Delhi and released by Delhi State Seed Sub-committee for Agricultural and Horticultural Crops for commercial cultivation. It has predominately gynoecious habit with high female:male flower ratio (2:1).Fruits are dark green,medium long and medium thick (average fruit length 16 cm and diameter 5.5-6.5cm) with 5-6 discontinous narrow ridges and first harvest after 45-50 days of sowing. The average fruit weight is 60g and its average yield is 22.26 t/ha.

Brinjal-Pusa Safed Baigan-1
Pusa Safed baigan 1 is the white coloured oval round fruited variety suitable for kharif season under north Indian plains. Plants are non-spiny with semi erect branches, having light purple pigmentation on younger leaves. Fruits are oval round and each fruit transplanting to first fruit harvesting. It has high total phenol content (31.21 mg GAE/100G) with high antioxidant activity (3.48 CUPRAC µ mol trolox/g,2.58 FRAP µ mol trolox/g). The potential yield of the variety is 35t/ha.

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