Organized by the Media Today Group, 'India Foodex2019’ is an International Exhibition on food products, retailing, processing and packaging machinery, and allied industries. It shall be held from 30th August to 1st September at BIEC, Bangalore
The Ministry of Agriculture is aiming to double the production of all food crops. Greater use of machinery has become necessary in India to overcome the technical constraints in enhancing production and productivity.
In order to introduce latest technological innovations, launch exclusive range of products and services among food processors, machinery suppliers, importers and exporters, the event is being organized.
In the past, it attracted participation from 30 countries and proved to be an excellent expo that received tremendous support from all stakeholders.
Receiving an awe-inspiring response earlier, the concurrent shows are -, 6th Meat Tech Asia 2019, 9th Dairy Tech India 2019 and 10th Grain Tech India 2019 , 8th Poultry & Livestock Expo to add more values and to ensure better business for all.
Event Name: 11th Edition India Food Ex 2019
Date: 30 August - 1 September 2019
Venue: Bangalore International Exhibition Centre Bangalore
Office Address
J-73, Paryavaran Complex, J Block, Neb Sarai, IGNOU Road,
New Delhi-110068
Contact: +91-11- 41407851 / 41859815
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.indiafoodex.com