The population in the Middle East and Africa is expected to double from 1.4 billion in 2016 to 2.8 billion in 2050; placing huge demand on food resources that are now being accounted and planned for.

With a more targeted focus on the Crop Farming, Animal Farming, Aquaculture and Animal Health sectors, AgraME 2018 will help increase food security and attract buyers looking to source the latest products and innovative solutions.


Crop Farming

A part of AgraME for the past 10 years, Crop Farming remains one of the events main focal points. With a refreshed approach to positioning and promotion, the Crop Farming section is set to attract local and international buyers covering the entire value chain of products, equipment and solutions.

Who exhibits? 

-Heavy Machinery & Equipment

-Crop Protection

-Fertilizers & Pesticides

-Green Houses & Nurseries


-Hydroponics/Urban Farming

-Irrigation Equipment & Supplies


-Seeds & Seedlings

-Storage & Logistics


Who visits? 

-Abdali Agricultural Cooperative Society

-Abu Dhabi Farmers Services Centre

-Al Bustan Nurseries Co

-Al Daheri Capital Investments

-Al Mulla Group

-Arabian Farms Dev Co. LLC

-International Center For Biosaline Agriculture

-Mangrove Agriculture

-Oman Chamber of Commerce & Industry


and many more..


Animal Farming

With a growing demand for better food security strategies and products in the region, the Animal Farming section at AgraME will connect exhibitors with local and international buyers, from feed to housing, that cater to all farm animal types.


Who exhibits? 

-Farm Equipment & Housing 

-Feed & Feed Ingredients

-Feed Systems & Equipment 

-Livestock Farm


-Poultry Farm


-Storage & Logistics

Who visits? 

-Al Ain Farms for Livestock Production

-Al Marai Poultry Farm

-Al Rawabi Dairy Co LLC

-Al Ruwaish Poultry Farm

-Alsayada Fodder Trading

-Emirates National Poultry Farms LLC

-Iraq Poultry Farm

Marmum Dairy Farm and many more



AgraME is the only show in the Middle East that offers a wide range of products and technologies catering specifically to the regions aquaculture industry, in turn attracting buyers from across the globe every year to source new and innovative solutions.


Who exhibits? 


-Farm Equipment 

-Feed & Feed Ingredients 

-Feed Systems & Equipment 

-Fish Farm 

-Monitoring & Maintenance

-Nets & Cages



-Storage & Logistics

-Water Treatment


Who visits? 

-Aquaculture and Marine Studies Center

-Aquarium Lives Centre LLC


-Arab Fisheries Company

-Dubai Municipality

-Oman Aquaculture Development Company

-Oman Chamber of Commerce & Industry

-Saudi Aquacluture Society


-Western Region Municipality Department of Municipal Affairs and many more


Animal Health

AgraME is the one of the region’s leading platforms to showcase the latest developments in veterinary medicine, vaccines, equipment and nutrition to professionals from across the Middle East and Africa.

The 2018 edition of AgraME will offer veterinary professionals the opportunity to earn Free CPD Credits at the AgraME Seminar.

Who exhibits? 


-Pharmaceuticals & Nutrition


-Veterinary Equipment & Supplies

-Veterinary Hospitals & Clinics


Who visits? 

- Abu Dhabi Equestrian Club

- Abu Dhabi City Municipality

- Al Ain Zoo

- Al Wadi Horse Farm

- British Veterinary Clinic

- Dubai Equine Hospital

- Emirates Park Zoo

- King Abdullah International Medical Research Center

- Sweihan Camel Hospital

- The Arabian Horse for Equestrian Services and many more


Exhibition Detail

Exhibition Name: Agar Me

Exhibition Dates: 06-08 March, 2018

Exhibition Venue: Dubai World Trade Centre, UAE


Contact Detail:

Mr. Mark Ryder
Marketing Manager
Direct: +971 4 407 2840


Mr. Krystle Almeida
Marketing Executive
Direct: +971 4 407 2791




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