Agriculture Research and Practice is continuously aligning to the perceived need of the farmers and the environment. Though several technologies and innovations experiment demonstrated and piloted, `technology adoption at scale` is not forthcoming to the dismay of various stakeholders. This can seriously disable small and marginal farmers` ability to face the harsh effects of climate change. It is time to realign and refocus on ` Technology Dissemination and Deployment` from Technology Development.
National Skills Foundation of India (NSFI) organizing the 7th edition of Global Agri Connect (GAC)to bring together key stakeholders, policy makers, and decision makers on one platform to identify and chart pathways for adoption; customization, replication and upscale of technologies and innovations in Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA). Krishi Jagran/Agriculture World is the Media Partner. For more information and participation, interested can contact via KJ website.
The thrust areas of GAC 2018 are Renewable Energy in Climate Smart Agriculture- means & making; women at the short end of climate change discourse and action. Corporate bodies and their contribution to climate resilience. Research & Evidence on climate change impact - The Solution Perspective.
Through this Conference, strongly believe and are committed to facilitating large-scale impact by enabling established startups gain ground in agriculture (and thus largely in rural areas) for the benefit of farmers and Indian economy at the backdrop of climate change.
There is a specific role for Corporates / CSRs, Governments, Civil Society including Bilateral Multilateral Organizations in joining hands towards taking the merits of these innovations and technologies to the last mile through their collaborative/independent programmes taken up in these geographies. Thus, would like you to - gain an understanding of these innovations and technologies and share your perspectives on the community needs and challenges.
Hence, the organizers are eager to have you as a delegate, as an essential part of this conference.
So far, reviewed more than 200 climate-smart technologies and innovations for agriculture in rural areas, for the past three years and have documented more than 80 of them that were found to be creating impact and having outreach. This year, we are reviewing more than 75 new set of climate-smart innovations and technologies and are engaging with about 30 of them to shortlist them for the conference presentations and deliberations.
The past supporters of the conference include GIZ, NABARD, ICAR, IARI, Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare, German Agri-Business Alliance, Tata Trust, Philips, NCDEX, YES Bank, John Deere, UPL, IZA to name a few. The quality of dignitaries and delegates associated with the conference speaks about the credibility and respect it has earned over the past 6 years.
The Delegate charges are as mentioned below:
Organization/Entity |
Tariff (INR) |
Entrepreneur / Startup; Civil Society Organizations; Students, KVKs |
Rs. 2,500/- per delegate (inclusive of all) |
Government Departments: ICAR Institutes, Corporate Body/CSR Divisions & all other institutions |
Rs.4,500/- per delegate (inclusive of all) |
*Documentary evidence is to be provided while submitting the registration form (scanned copy of the identity proof representing the organizational form would suffice)
The relevant Delegate Registration Form with a request to use the Form and send it to krcpillai@nsfindia.org, Mob - 7042412012.
For further information and more details, please visit:
NSFI's Website: http://nsfindia.org/
GAC's Website: http://www.globalagriconnect.com/