
In agricultural sector, a sustainable development focussing on production, value addition and marketing is of paramount importance for rejuvenation in the postflood scenario. VAIGA aims at such a sustainable growth to rebuild the agricultural sector.


Within a span of three years, VAIGA (Value Addition for Income Generation In Agriculture) has become an international icon  for  agriculture  value  addition  and processing. It is an attempt to showcase current and emerging national and international trends in technologies, product diversification, processing, machineries, marketing etc. This year the focal theme is Sustainable Development through Agripreneurship.

Agriculture Development and Farmers’ Welfare Department

Agriculture Development & Farmers’ Welfare Department, Government of Kerala addresses the needs of farmers in the state through scientific methods of cultivation and sustainable agricultural growth by formulating policies and programmes. The Department operates at grassroot level through the grama panchayath krishi Bhavans throughout the state and caters to the needs of farmers through various institutions like VFPCK (Vegetable and Fruit Promotion Council Keralam), SHM (State Horticulture Mission), ATMA (Agricultural Technology Management Agency), SFAC (Small Farmers Agri - Business Consortium) and other public sector undertakings.

Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, Government of India & Indian Council of Agricultural Research

The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare is the apex body of the Government of India which has been helping the agricultural sector of the country by implementing a variety of schemes for the benefit of farmers with an aim to double their income by 2022. The Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana, Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana, Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture, Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana, National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture etc have helped farmers across the country. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and various research institutions cater to the research and extension requirements for the development of the agricultural sector in the country.

Ministry of Food Processing Industries

Ministry of Food Processing Industries under the Government of India is responsible for formulation  and administration of the rules and regulation and laws relating to food processing. Under VAIGA, State Government have collaborated with the department concerned and formulated steps for enhancing farmer’s income by better utilization and value addition of agriculture produces, introduction of modern technology in food processing, policy formulation and export promotion.

Sub Themes

Agri Business Potential in Kerala

Indigenous crops

Thirteen GI Crops

Indigenous Breeds

Richest Biodiversity

Millets for nutrition and income Generation

Global Super food of the century

Nutritional food of tribal hamlets

Branded Attappadi Millet village Products

Logistics and packaging Technology

Exhibition of Machineries

On farm production of value added products

Floriculture and Landscaping

Experience sharing by successful entrepreneurs

Export Potential crops in kerala condition

Commercial nursery business

Entrepreneurship in Agriculture

Start-up mission initiative in agriculture

Experience sharing by young entrepreneurs

Farmer producer organisations and their roles



Showcasing of commercially viable technologies by international & national institutions, machineries, value added products etc. B2B interactions, successful models in agripreneurship, theme pavilion and over 300 exhibition stalls.

Technical Session

Speakers of national & international repute, experience sharing by successful entrepreneurs- both national & international, general sessions on licensing and clearance procedures, food safety standards, packing, export development, credit facilities, experience sharing, business and team interaction etc.

Young Entrepreneurs Meet (YEM)

Handhold support to budding entrepreneurs, Billeting facilities at business and techno incubation centers,

Mentoring Capacity building.

Event Name: VAIGA 2020

Date: 04 - 07 January 2020

Venue: Thekkinkadu Ground,
Thrissur, Kerala, India

For registration and further details

Phone : 0471-2304480, 0471-2307122

For Enquiries : 

Seminar-0471-2743840, 9446980252

Exhibition- 0471-2304687, 9447612655,

For general Enquiry - 0471-2306219, 9383470051



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