Pleurotus spp. Can be grown in any indoor and any well–ventilated areas. A thatched shed with false roofing is an ideal room for the successful cultivation of this mushroom, as the required temperature is 20 – 25 C. It can be grown in relative humidity of 80 – 85%.
General Introduction of Oyster Mushroom
It grows well in subtropical region.
Its genus consists of 50 species.
Body - dull whitish and grey colour or yellow in colour, soft and distinct shell shape.
It consists of short stipe, in which the colour of the stipe and pileus are same.
It is cultivated in thatched areas.
Preparation of substrate:
Paddy straw is found to be the best substrate giving more bio efficiency.
Paddy straw is chopped imto bits of size 2-3 for easy handling and operation.
There are three methods with which the chopped straw can be sterilized. (Hot water treatment) Boiling method which involves boiling the paddy straw for 30 to 45 minutes, steaming in which the substrate is steamed under 15 lbs for 30 minutes, chemical method which includes soaking substrate in 10 g of carbendazim and 120 ml of formalin for 16 hour.
After these processes, the excess water is drained from the substrate by spreading on a hessian cloth to get 60-65% moisture capacity.
Bed preparation and cropping
The cultivation of oyster mushroom is usually carried out in transparent polythene covers. The size of the cover must be 60 X 30 cm, with a thickness of 80 gauge.
First we should take the polythene cover and tie the bottom end with a thread and turn it inwards.
Take out the well grown bed spawn, and squeeze it thoroughly and squeeze it into two halves.(Two beds are prepared from the single spawn bag).
Fill the straw to the height of 3 in the bottom of the polythene bag, take a handful of spawn and sprinkle over the straw layer, concentrating more on the edges.
Fill the second layer of the straw to a height of 5 and spawn it as above.’
Repeat this process to get five straw layers with spawn.
Gently press the bed and tie tightly with a thread.
Put holes in the polythene cover randomly for ventilation purpose and to maintain the moisture inside the bed.
Arrange the beds inside the thatched shed in an rack system or else make them to hang by using thread one by one.
Maintain the temperature of 22- 25 C and relative humidity inside the sheds.
Observe the beds daily for the infestation of pest and moulds.
Fully developed spawn is transferred from thatched room to cropping room where the light and good ventilation will be there, which would be helpful for development of button.
After the bud development start to spray water.
Harvest the bunch of mushroom gently at early hours of morning.
1. Sakthivel.
IV Year, B.sc., (Agriculture).
2. S.Balamurugan
Assistant Professor (Department of Entomology),
Vallam, Thanjavur.
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