Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination (CISCE) has announced the result of the ISC and ICSE annual board exams on 14th May 2023. Students from all over India who have appeared in class 10 and 12 annual board examinations can download their results from its official website.
The ICSE Class 10 exam was conducted between February 27, 2023, to March 29, 2023, whereas the class 12 exam was held between February 13, 2023, and ended on March 31, 2023. In the examination, nearly 2.5 lakh candidates have appeared for the CISCE examination for Classes 10 and 12.
If you are the one who appeared for the CISCE class 10 or 12 exam then you can follow any of the below method.
How to Check CISCE Board Results Through Official Website?
Step 1: Firstly, open the CISCE official results website.
Step 2: Go to the homepage and search for the result link.
Step 3: Open the link once found and choose the course as required.
Step 4: Now, enter details like Index number, and UID, and verify Captcha.
Step 5: After this, hit the submit button and the result will be shown on the screen.
Step 6: Save the page and keep a hard copy for further reference.
How to check CISCE Board Result Through SMS?
Candidates registered and appeared for the CISCE exam can check their scorecard through SMS. Simply, type 'ICSE(Space)(Unique Id)' and send it to 09248082883.
Students can also apply for re-checking of the paper by paying a fee of Rs. 1000 per paper for ICSE and Rs. 1000 per subject for ISC.
Visit official website of the CISCE for further information.