Hi, NewsWrap for July 02, 2023

02-July-2023: Basmati Cultivation Area Expansion, Agricultural Practices in India, Kharif Sowing Hit Hard, ICAR IARI Admit Card 2023, Rice Blast

2 July 2023

  • Punjab Agriculture Dept Plans to Expand Basmati Crop Area by 20 Percent

    The Punjab agriculture department has decided to increase the area under basmati crop by more than 20 per cent during this sowing season in order to reduce the water-intensive cultivation of paddy. The sowing of the basmati crop is scheduled to start this month. The agriculture department has set a target of six lakh hectares for basmati crop, as compared to four lakh hectares last year, a senior official of the department said.

  • Agricultural Practices in India Must Transform for a Sustainable Future, says IFPRI Director

    The Director-South Asian of the IFPRI, Dr Shahidur Rasheed, has stressed the necessity for India to investigate alternative agricultural practices in order to protect groundwater resources and avoid soil degradation. Rashid made this statement at the launch of the GFPR (Global Food Policy Report) in the Nepalese city of Kathmandu in order to promote the development of heat-resistant crop varieties and the adoption of sustainable irrigation methods.

  • Kharif Sowing Operations Hit Hard as Delayed Rains Cause a 30% Setback

    Telangana's Vanakalam (Kharif) crop season has been hit hard due to the delay in the onset and spread of the monsoon rains. The state has an average rainfall deficit of 52%, and some districts have deficits of up to 78%. This has had a huge impact on Vanakalam crop cultivation compared to last year.

  • ICAR IARI Admit Card 2023 Released for Technician Post; Direct Link to Download Inside

    The ICAR IARI Technician Admit Card 2023 for the re-examination has been released by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research. To download their hall ticket, candidates appearing for the ICAR IARI Technician re-exam can visit the official website at iari.res.in. The re-exam for the Indian Agriculture Research Institute, IARI Technician will be conducted by ICAR on July 7, 8, and 10, 2023. It will be a Computer Based Test (CBT) with a duration of three hours. The exam will be held in three shifts: 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM, 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM, and 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM, as per the schedule.

  • The Devastating Effects of Rice Blast: Implications for Rice Production and Control Measures

    Rice is a widely cultivated staple food crop with high nutritional value, feeding over half of the world's population. It thrives in hot and humid regions and is primarily consumed by humans. The Asia-Pacific region produces and consumes over 90% of the world's rice, with India being the largest producer. However, rice production faces various challenges, particularly from diseases caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses, and nematodes. Fungal diseases, including blast, sheath rot, brown leaf spot, and false smut, pose significant threats. 

On the news

2 July 2023

That's it for for 2 July 2023