Hi, NewsWrap for May 14, 2022

14 May 2022: Paddy Fest, Fuel Price Update, Modern Agriculture Technologies, Wheat Crops, Fest, Subsidies

14 May 2022

  • Fuel Price Update: Check Fuel Prices as of May 14

    On Saturday, May 14, diesel and petrol prices remained unchanged for the first time in almost a month. For the past 37 days, fuel costs have remained unchanged. The last time the Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) raised fuel prices in the country was between March and April 6, with an increase of Rs 10 percent.

  • Bharat Krishak Samaj: Agricultural Export Restrictions Poses an "Indirect Tax" on Farmers

    Farmers' group Bharat Krishak Samaj (BKS) expressed displeasure with the wheat export ban on Saturday, claiming that limits on farm produce shipments are an "indirect tax" on farmers. Farmers will be unable to benefit from high global prices, and India will lose its reputation as a trustworthy trading partner, according to the report.

  • Farmers in Punjab Have Been Urged to Avail Subsidies

    The Horticulture Department would give subsidies to farmers under several schemes, according to Shailinder Kaur, Director. Gurinder Singh Dhanjal, Assistant Director, Horticulture, said the department has been collaborating with the Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH) and the Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) to provide farmers with various subsidies.

  • Farmers Attend ‘Paddy Fest’ to Learn Modern Agriculture Technologies for Increasing Paddy Yields

    A few hundred farmers, predominantly paddy producers, attended the 'Paddy Fest' in Palayamkottai on Friday to learn about current agricultural technologies, organic farming techniques, and the need of protecting and growing traditional local paddy types.

  • From India to France, Wheat Crops Are Under Threat Throughout the World

    The worldwide harvest is being put to the test as Russia's invasion strangles off Ukrainian wheat supplies, driving up bread and noodle costs. Droughts, floods, and extreme weather events are threatening output from the United States to France and India, aggravating Ukraine's declining output. Almost every major producing region is threatened in some way. The one significant exception is Russia, which is expecting a big crop and will benefit from higher prices.

On the news

14 May 2022

That's it for for 14 May 2022