Hi, NewsWrap for September 17, 2023

16-September-2023: Dhanuka Agritech Unveils New Herbicide 'Tizom', Supriya Singla, Nipah Kozhikode 2023

17 September 2023

  • Gencrest VP Satish Tiwari Ignites Agricultural Innovation and Sustainability Dialogue at Krishi Jagran

    Satish Tiwari, the Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Gencrest, paid a visit to Krishi Jagran, where he shared valuable insights on natural and sustainable bio-technological solutions in agriculture with the team in KJ Chaupal. MC Dominic, the Editor-in-Chief of Krishi Jagran, extended a warm welcome to Tiwari. During his visit, Satish Tiwari had the opportunity to tour the office and engage in discussions with the team. His presence and interaction provided an enriching experience for the Krishi Jagran team, fostering knowledge exchange and collaboration in the realm of agriculture and from sustainable fibres to bioethanol. In a recent interview and while addressing KJ Chaupal, Satish Tiwari, the Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Gencrest, emphasized the global importance of sustainable agriculture. Tiwari acknowledged the challenges faced by farmers, especially in India, where marginal farming often leads to unprofitable outcomes for entire families dependent on it.

  • Dhanuka Agritech Unveils New Herbicide 'Tizom' Specifically for Sugarcane

    Dhanuka Agritech Ltd has introduced a new herbicide called 'Tizom,' designed to assist sugarcane farmers in effectively managing weed infestations, ultimately boosting their profitability. This innovative herbicide has been developed in collaboration with Japan's Nissan Chemical Corporation and is specifically tailored for the states of Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Tamil Nadu, with plans to expand to other regions in the near future. Advertisement 'Tizom' boasts two key active ingredients: Halosulfuron Methyl at 6% concentration and Metribuzin at 50% WG. Together, these components provide a powerful solution for controlling a wide spectrum of weeds, including narrow leaf weeds, broadleaf weeds, and the problematic Cyperus rotundus.

  • Supriya Singla Honoured as Women Contributor in International AG Bio Business by PMFAI

    Peptech Biosciences Ltd. proudly announces that Supriya Singla, Vice President of the company, has been bestowed with the prestigious title of "Women Contributor in International AG Bio Business" by the Pesticides Manufacturers and Formulators Association of India (PMFAI). This esteemed recognition comes in acknowledgment of Singla's outstanding and unwavering contributions to the Agri-Biological Sector. The PMFAI, an apex body representing the agrochemical industry in India, has long been recognizing excellence and innovation within the sector. Supriya Singla's dedication to the field of Agri-Biologicals has set a benchmark, making her a deserving recipient of this accolade.

  • Nipah Kozhikode 2023: 1000+ People In Contact, Roads Blocked In Kerala, Can Nipah Spread May Cause Epidemic

    In response to the abrupt outbreak of the ​Nipah virus in ​Kozhikode, which has already resulted in two fatalities and numerous infections in the Kozhikode region of Kerala, educational institutions, including schools and colleges, have been indefinitely shuttered. Multiple quarantine areas have been established throughout Kozhikode, and the initial case of the Nipah virus in the area has been identified. To minimize the risk, students are being encouraged to partake in online classes and advised against participating in large gatherings for celebrations. The Nipah virus has experienced a sudden surge in Kerala and is expected to continue spreading. The virus carries a high mortality rate if symptoms are not promptly treated, but it often remains undetected and asymptomatic in most individuals during the initial 5-14 days.

On the news

17 September 2023

That's it for for 17 September 2023